In Minnesota, during the “Rally for the Republic” in September 2008 was the first time I met and interviewed Ron Paul. After signing over 1,200 books for supporters, he was a bit exhausted. Yet, he graciously sat down with me to answer questions. He didn’t know me and he was initially apprehensive, but as we […]
“The Flow” is all about being in that zone where we shed the pre-conceived ideas about the persona of the guests and bring their underlying nature to the surface. We’ll discover why we see things the way we do. What happens in our lives that shape our philosophy – the struggles and triumphs that […]
Will disaffected moderates, independents and progressives get behind Rand Paul? This is the question Robin Koerner of the answers for many people not interested in party politics.
This is one of my most favorite interviews for Rare. Russ Roberts explores a work by Adam Smith ‘The Theory of All Sentiments’ in his new book “How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness.” Some describe Russ’ book as self-help but it’s about self awareness. The central […]